Monday, November 14, 2011

Mission Run First 5K...Complete!

I did it, I did it, I did it! Not to sound all full of myself or anything, but I am pretty proud of me! I finally ran my first 5K/first organized race ever. I've been saying I was going to do it for multiple years now...but I finally have done it. I ran the Hot Chocolate 5K in Chicago last weekend, and it was AWESOME. I wasn't sure if I was going to like it or not (since I've never been a big runner), but the atmosphere was incredible. I know everyone says that, but I don't think people can truly understand or appreciate that until they've done it themselves.

Not gonna was chilly at race time. We had to be in our spots by about 7:30am on Saturday. My teeth were actually chattering at one point as I was waiting to start. That, however, was not my biggest problem. I also had to pee. And I was way more concerned about that. Leave it to me to have to go even before the race starts! (Drinking coffee and water before a race is probably a real bad idea...I will claim it as a rookie mistake) I was searching for a possible 'out' for it...and I was also trying to decide how badly it would wreck my time if I stopped at a Starbucks on the way to go. Since it's only a 5K, I decided no stops would be allowed. I would have to hold it. D'oh.

The first mile or so was such a cluster...we were all trying to find our own pace, but there were so many people running that we were all smushed together. I ran in the open corral, but I definitely should have been in a time one...I was too fast for open. But once I broke free of the pack, it was smooth sailing. And SO much fun! I loved every minute of it. I was almost sad when I crossed the finish line. (I know...crazy, right?)

Here are my race stats:

5K total time = 26 minutes 45 seconds
Pace = 8:38 miles
Total place = 1593 of 18,363
Place (female overall) = 613 of 13, 723

Not too shabby, I'll say! I feel good about it. I know I can do better the more I train...but I'll take that for my first one.

Here are a couple of shots from the day:
(Me and my gang for the race)

(A couple of choice shots of me with my dear, dear friend JM...I freaking love that girl!)
(And of course, me....the first time survivor...looking a little worn out...but not as horrible as I could have looked)

And what did the gang do after completing the race, and eating a ton of free chocolate in every form? Why, drink multiple deliciously strong bloody marys, of course! Hey...we earned them.

Next up? A HALF MARATHON! No, I'm not joking. I went ahead and registered for the Washington D.C. Rock 'n Roll 1/2 marathon in the spring. It's a bit of a leap from completing one wimpy 5K. But let's be honest...."impulse" is pretty much my middle name. Onward!


  1. Way to go, Linds! Keep it up! You'll rock that half marathon. :)

  2. You rock. It's about the journey, not the destination. I love the scenery and crowd. !!!awesome accomplishment
    Katie Douglas
