Sunday, July 31, 2011

Top Notch Weekend

Don't you just love weekends that are super fun, but still relaxing, full, sunny, warm, laugh-filled, and spent with fabulous people? I sure do. I just had one, and I'm bummed it's over. But here are my 3 favorite stories from it.

1. Beginning of conversation = "We should prank call _______ (I'll leave the name out to protect us, the trouble-makers). That would be hilarious." But obviously we quickly realized we couldn't use our own phones (duh), so the next question, "Could we use a payphone?" (Silence for about a full minute) "Do payphones still exist?!" The next hour was spent Googling "payphones in Santa Monica" and then running around the Promenade and neighboring streets searching....until, BAM! We found one!
Success! They're 50 cents these days. But then there was the debate about whether or not the prank call would show a '310' area code, which might give us away. Turns out, it didn't matter. After all that...the phone didn't even have a dial tone. Fail.

2. What do girls do when they need to relax, de-stress, gossip,etc.? Get manicures and pedicures, of course! We found a ridiculously cheap and awesome salon right off the Promenade, and indulged. It took approximately 15 minutes of testing way too many nail polish colors on every available nail to decide on "Jackie Oh!" - a crazy neon pink color - for both my fingers and toes. Unfortunately, this picture doesn't even do the neon-ness justice. It's so bright, it makes me squint just a little bit. But that doesn't stop me from waving my hands in everyone's faces.

3. BYO dinner date at R&D Kitchen in Santa Monica. Yummy wine, delicious food, fabulous company, top rate's got everything. What a perfect Friday night. And the funniest part happened after dinner....walking down Montana trying to hail a taxi. What do we stumble upon but a lost Blackberry, face down in the street. I kick it to make sure it's a phone, and then pick it up. Here I am after finding it, even though the wine bottle blocks the phone in my hand:
I say, "What do we do with it?" M's response? "Eh, just leave it." Oh, come on! I'm not going to leave someone's lost phone in the middle of the street! I'm way too nice and concerned about others for that. So I proceed to send texts on the phone, until someone calls it. Turns out it's the guy's daughter. I say we'll wait on the corner if he wants to come get it. Which he obviously does. And a short 2 minutes later he pulls a Porsche Panemara (I don't know if I'm spelling that right). Wow. What a gorrrrrrrrrgeous car. So I give him his phone, and the obvious next step/reward is a joy ride in the kick-butt car. So we hopped in (I was way more delighted about it than M...which is why I got shot-gun) and jetted off. Sweet ride. I want one. Doing good deeds pays off.

Totally the awesome weekend I needed! Luckily I'm really excited about this week of work though. So it makes it easier to handle the weekend coming to an end....but I'm still pumped for the next one already.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Whole New World

Yup. It happened. Today...I got a massage...from a MAN. I could just end this here, and it would probably be good enough. However, it's too amazing not to expand here goes.

When I made the appointment yesterday, I was asked if I wanted a man or a woman. I said I would prefer a woman. Which is not a demand. And I'm guessing everyone, men and women, prefer to be massaged by a woman. And many probably demand it. So, rightfully so, I ended up with a dude. If only you all could have seen my face when I got this little nugget of news. Bug eyes and jaw to the floor.

But I didn't want to seem like a total spaz, so I of course played it cool. In my head? "Holy crap! Are you freaking kidding me?! A dude?!" What I actually said? "Sounds great - nice to meet you, Steve."

He walked me back to the room right away, but of course I was so nervous about it being a man that I desperately had to pee. So I went to the bathroom, and while there looked myself in the mirror and had a pep talk. "This is NOT a big deal. You can handle this. Be cool."

Back in the room, he told me that what I wore or didn't wear was my choice..."you can leave anything on, just underwear on, or go totally naked." In my head? "Naked?! Are you serious? Do you really think I'm going to strip down to my birthday suit while you massage my whole body? Come on!!" What I actually said? "Ok, thank you." He left me to decide and get ready and get on the table. I managed to talk myself into going with just underwear and nothing else. Huge step for me.

(Why such a big step? Flashback to 2008...I went to a dermatologist for my first full body screening. My female dermatologist couldn't make it in that day, so I had to go with one of her male practice partners. I was so nervous and uncomfortable that I was DRIPPING sweat. No joke. I think he thought I had a disorder. It was awesome. So the idea of a man massaging me should have sent me into a fit, but didn't. HUGE for me.)

So the massage begins, with me face down on the table, partially covered by a sheet. He mentions that I feel pretty tense. Um, s**t, Sherlock...there's a strange man rubbing me down, with lotion. But I keep telling myself that he doesn't care, he does this all the time, no biggie.

I eventually relax a little, about 20 minutes in. Let's be honest. Men have stronger hands than women. It simultaneously hurt a little (deep tissue) annnnnnnd felt incredible. Aaaaahhhhhh. I actually REALLY enjoyed myself for the next 15-20 minutes!

All is good...until he tells me to turn over. I'm confused. "All the way on my back?" I ask. "Yup" he says. In my head? "Ok, now this is insane! I'm almost totally naked and I can't even stay in the comfort zone of laying on my stomach? Are you insane?!" What I actually said? "O...o...okay."

So I flip over on my back, and as I'm getting situated, he puts a blindfold over my eyes. Alllllllright, Steve. This is getting a little weird....but maybe not. I'm no massage expert! So, in hopes of looking like I'm experienced, I go with the flow. The whole rest of the massage, on my back, I'm worrying about my sheet falling off. Relaxed? Not as much anymore. Muscles tensing back up.

He finishes, calls me "dear," and leaves so I can get dressed. I meet him back in the lobby, give him his tip (I gave him 40%...I don't know why!) and walk out, still trying to look cool.

What a crazy experience. I'm proud that I survived though, and actually enjoyed myself for some of it! Getting a massage was just what I needed. And I'm going back on Sunday again. But I think I might try a woman next time. No hurt feelings, Steve, but I have to try the other side too so I can compare. Who knows? Maybe I'll miss "man hands" and come back to you. Possible? Definitely. Likely? We shall see.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Week of Lindsay

Recently, I've been crazy busy and all over the place - physically and mentally (per the usual, I know). But what I realized is that I haven't been taking any time for myself. I haven't done things just for me. I haven't spent any time by myself (which I used to love!). I haven't been sleeping nearly enough. I haven't been going to the gym (another love of mine). I simply haven't been focused on ME. I've been putting all my energy into other people and things. Any of you that know me well know that that is my nature. I love doing things for other people. I love making people smile and feel important and loved. I love being available to talk to anyone at any time, day or night, if they need me or just want to chat. But I can't keep doing only things like that...especially at the expense of my sanity! I need to find a balance between the two...otherwise, I might just go nuts.

Conveniently, I'm working from home this whole week (beautiful). So I've decided that I'm going to make my work and myself my two priorities for the week. If I can fit anyone else in (which I will, of course...I'm way too social to spend more than a night or two with myself), then great. But that won't be a priority for this week. That is super hard for me to say. But I have to do it!

Here are some of my "Week of Lindsay" plans/things I've already done:

1. Have a full and really productive work week - not let non-work people/things distract me during work hours....I love my job, and am work-happiest when I can be totally focused on what I need and want to do

2. Eat clean and healthy all week (I'm 6 for 6 on meals I've had since getting back to LA on Sunday night!)

3. Reactivate my gym membership at my fabulous gym

4. Go to my fabulous gym everyday (maybe one break day in there...we'll see) - I mean, how could I not?! Look at these views from my gym:

5. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night (this might be the hardest one for me...I always pick fun activities over going to bed at a good friends are too this will take much effort this week)

6. Don't drink (or realistically, drink just a little...I already have a wine date planned with someone for tonight...oops) - no "party" type nights for this one week (it doesn't fit with all the other things at all)

7. READ. Both books for work, and books I'm reading for pleasure. Those of you who know me well also know that reading time is essential for my happy life. Seriously. When I don't get enough time to read (even 10 minutes a day), I can feel my stress levels rise. Book-worm? Nerd? Sure. And proud of it.

8. Clean my apartment and throw massive amounts of stuff (any types of items) in the garbage or in the donation box. I just barely keep up on these things ever. So this week, I'm going to do a significant amount. And it's going to feel soooooo good.

9. Go get massages. Bare minimum of two this week. The first one is already booked for tomorrow evening. I'm thinking a second one on Saturday or Sunday would be great. How much more "about yourself" can a person get than going to get massages? Perfect.

10. And write on here!!! People that don't enjoy writing probably don't understand when I say that writing on here brings me stress relief and joy. For real. I started this a little over a year ago, with the intention of it being therapeutic for me during a crazy time in my life. I didn't intend to keep it up after my big move. But I found that I actually love it! And so many people read it now and tell me about it all the time, that I can't let them down! Both great reasons to keep it up. And make it more of a priority for myself.

10 big items. Big for me anyway. I'm not expecting perfection from myself...simply because I know myself too well. And I don't expect perfection from anyone in my life. But I'll do my best. I have to try. Because, gosh darn it, I'm worth it. (Line stolen from L'Oreal...oh well)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Life Goal #1936...Accomplished!

Whoa baby....I DID IT!!! I accomplished one of my long-standing life goals. I read "Gone With the Wind"...all 1024 pages of super small print. Wahoo!!! See how happy I looked after finishing it last week in Virginia?!
It may have taken me a couple of months (I honestly can't even remember when I actually started reading it), and the book may have been with me for thousands of miles of travel, and in 7 different states, and countless hotel rooms...but I did it. And it feels sooooooo good.

"Gone With the Wind" has always been one of my top 3 favorite movies (often in the #1 spot), and I'm a total bookworm, so have always wanted to read the book too....but gosh, it was a daunting thought. I knew it would take me a real long time to get through it, and I didn't want to start and stop, and start and stop, or anything like that. So I knew I had to wait for the exact right moment, when my mind was in the exact right spot to really take the task on. I've owned that copy of the book for almost 10 years...but Spring 2011 was finally the right time!

It was much easier to read than I anticipated - I thought that the style of writing from the 1930s might trip me up a little, but for the most part it didn't. I cruised through it, and was sad every time I had to put it down....if only I had more reading time in my busy life!

Part of my fascination with GWTW has always been the character of Scarlett O'Hara. I just adore her. She's so imperfect, and sassy, and fights in any way to get what she wants, and is a super flirt, and smart, a stylish dresser (when possible), and is so ambitious that she can't possibly be happy NOT working (even when she had kids). She's a fighter. She's a lover. She's fantastic. And she has so many wonderful and memorable quotes...not least of which is the very last line of the book, seen here:

"After all, tomorrow is another day." Tomorrow always IS another day...I couldn't have said it better myself, Scarlett. You go, girl.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ode to My Bestie...and Eeeewwwww to Amtrak

How many of you out there are lucky enough to have a friend who you've known for pretty much ever, and is there for you no matter what, and who you can't imagine life without? Count yourself lucky if you'd raise your hand to that question! I definitely do.

I was fortunate enough to be able to grab a train to Maryland from Virginia on Friday (on be briefly mentioned later) to go see dear, dear CB. I got to stay until Sunday morning, and it was just the best thing ever.

She's that friend for me, who has been with me since we were 13 years old, who is supportive of me no matter what I'm up to, who doesn't hate me when I drop off the radar for awhile with no explanation, who gives me the straight-forward truth (even when I don't necessarily want to hear it!), and who knows me better than I think I even realize.

She was patient enough to listen to every, single detail of my recent life...which has been crazy and all-over-the-place, like usual. And to listen to me talk through all the options (that I know of right now) that I have to a couple decisions I need to make in the near future. And she has this amazing way of giving her opinions and advice to me, but also not trying to sway me in any direction. She's a little like, so wise. (but definitely better-looking, and with way more hair)

Any time I get to see CB is amazing. We don't get to see each other nearly enough these days (hope to change that soon though!), but when we do, it's so comforting. I always feel a little rejuvenated after spending time with her, and she always puts huge smiles on my face. Hopefully I do the same for her too. Thanks CB, for being the you so much!

And on a (gross) side note...what is the deal with Amtrak?! Specifically the coach service. I used to ride their business class trains every week back in 2008, and I guess I got used to that group of people riding their trains - seemingly very normal, put together, and not disgusting.

Apparently riding in coach on their trains is totally different! The people that were on my trains were really just unbelievable. They were some of the grossest people I've seen in awhile, and all in one place. And no joke, I think everyone but me on the trains ATE the entire time!! People bring massive bags of food and crap with them for these rides...and just chow down nonstop. Seriously....the whole time. Beef jerkey, Cheetos, fruit snacks, Mountain Dew, chips, some things I couldn't even identify....eewwwwww. And silly me...I boarded the train with nothing but a bottle of water and some sugar-free gum. How un-Amtrak-trendy of me.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I have the pleasure of spending some time at home with my parents this week, and like any other visit to my parents' house, I've done some digging around. For no particular reason. I just like to look around, dig through my old things, etc. Well, I struck gold this time! I found all my senior pictures from high school! Taken in March 2000, I was a tender (and tan and blond) 17 year old. Aaahhhhh....seems like a lifetime ago. I had a great time looking through them with my mom last night around midnight. We reminisced about the day of the big photo shoot....a cool 8 hours in the studio. We took so many different shots, in so many different was mind-boggling. I was one of the 'models' for the studio, so I had to get mine taken earlier than everyone else, and then show them to anyone I could to try and get more people to pick the studio I went to. I remember carrying around the boxes of my proofs in school for a couple weeks - but I think it paid off...a whole lot of people went to my studio! You're welcome, JO.

Anyway, I thought that I just had to share a few of them here:

There is a giant copy of this one in my parents' house:

(Here's me with it, back in 2007...see? Pretty big, right?) in my junior year prom dress:

Farley even made an appearance at the photo shoot, to star in a few:

Could I be any more posed in this one?

Annnnnnnd the infamous "James Bond" shot, that my photographer insisted on taking (WITH my mom's approval, of course):

(Note: if I ever get married, my mom is holding onto an 8x10 of this picture to give my future husband....oy vey!)

And then I couldn't help throwing in this modeling shot, from 1985 (it was in with my senior pictures anyway):

Tiny, little funny is that?! This was right at the beginning of my decade-long modeling career. I think it was the way I made people really believe that fake snowball was real that launched me into success :)

A little skip down memory lane is always fun! I think I'm going to see what else I can find tonight...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Another Great Holiday Weekend...

...with, once again, barely any pictures. I failed again! I don't know what is wrong with me lately. I normally love taking pictures, and I always have my camera with why am I doing such a bad job lately?! Boo on me.

Anyway, I spent the holiday weekend in Chicago, and had a blast. We were lucky enough to have really great weather pretty much the whole time - it got a little hot and humid at times...but overall, can't complain. No rain, no cold. I'll take it.

My favorite activity from the long weekend? It would probably have to be the Cubs vs. White Sox game at Wrigley Field on Sunday afternoon. My first time at Wrigley! Pretty great stadium...very classic and old school. I loved it.

Here are the very few shots I did walk away with:

And I of course didn't think to get any shots with people in them DURING the game...but luckily we had a few minutes of waiting time for the train. Utilized that well:

I don't know why, but that wet spot on his shirt really cracks me up! I just can't figure out where that came from - and it's in a weird spot, and kind of a weird's baffling, really. Makes me it!

Other fun highlights from the weekend include:

* Multiple outdoor brunches, with champagne and bloody marys

* Multiple outdoor dinners, with margaritas and martinis

* Sleeping late....oh so late

* Lots of naps

* Mini bar crawl

* Dancing, and general good times, at Studio Paris (super fun club)

* Giving deep dish pizza another shot....and loving it

* Dublin's nachos...never a bad decision

Great, great weekend in all - so much fun! And now I get to spend the rest of the week at home with my parents (and Farley, of course). Who has two thumbs and is super lucky?? This girl.