Tuesday, February 22, 2011


My travels take me all over the place, and have me staying in lots of different hotels all the time. I have stayed in some realllllllly nice hotels, and some super cool hotels, and some so-so hotels, and every once in awhile (thankfully, it's very rare) I get stuck in a not-so-great hotel. Welcome to the Residence Inn - Memphis East. Probably one of the grossest hotel rooms I've ever been stuck in...and this is my 3rd week in a row here, and all the different rooms I've stayed in (203, 204, and 216) have been the same. N-A-S-T-Y.

It's bad enough that the decor is straight outta 1985...dark green carpet, some dark green walls, microwaves from the same year, and some seriously ugly furniture. But you know what? I would be fine if it was just that the place was ugly...sometimes ugly can still be very comfortable. That's assuming it's clean. Here is a little peek into my paradise here:

Yeah....super ugly chair that is also fabulously STAINED!! With I-don't-want-to-know-what. You can rest easy tonight knowing that I have not gotten within 5 feet of that thing since I checked in.

And then, as if it couldn't get any worse than the stained chair:

Multiple...white...stains...on my dark green carpet. No, I didn't just put toothpaste on my carpet so I could make up a story (oh, how I wish that WERE the case). That is actually on my carpet in my room, in a lot of places. Way too many places. Including right outside the bathroom.

Glamourous travel lifestyle? Definitely not 100% of the time. I think I just threw up a little.


  1. I can't believe you stayed!?! The Hampton Inn we stayed at when in Memphis suddenly seems like the friggin' Ritz.

  2. Please...at least I'm only spending a total of 2 and 1/2 weeks there...think about the poor team that will be LIVING there for 10 months!! Tha horror!!!!
