Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The New 'Hood

I was lucky enough to be able to spend the past 2 weekends in LA...the first was spent trying desperately to find the right home for myself, and hanging out with my fabulous friends, LM/KA/PH (can't wait to live in the same city as you guys!)....and the second was then spent basking in my new apartment and neighborhood, and hanging out with another fab friend, DL. (and seeing KA some more, and running into friends AM/DP/JR...I think Santa Monica is going to end up being kind of a small world, based on my last 2 visits there...)

Much to the disappointment of pretty much everyone, I did not take any photos of the new apartment (not sure how that slipped my mind). I did, however, get some great key shots in my new 'hood...

The above picture is of my new block in Santa Monica...I kid you not. That is what I will be seeing every day. I'm a bit in awe.

My new favorite road....EVER. Literally just runs right up the coast of Cali...at points a few feet from the water's edge! I can leave my apartment and be on this in about 1-2 minutes. It's an incredible drive. Anyone who comes to visit me WILL be taking a ride on the PCH.

A short 5 blocks from my new apartment is the beach...5 blocks! I can't even believe I can pretty much walk out my door and feel the sand in my toes in a matter of minutes. Above, you can see me enjoying my new beach. Don't worry...I promise I won't always act like such a dork when I get there.

The above is again a view just a few blocks from me. Here's to catching lots more sunsets in the near future...I mean, how could I not? It would practically be a crime against nature for me to miss those when they're right in my backyard.

So to sum it up...I'm in love. I think I found the exact right spot for the next chapter in the Lindsay saga. It just feels 'right' being there. Good thing too...since my movers will be arriving to load up the truck with all of my possessions in less than 48 hours. Breathe in...breathe out....repeat.

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