We had our rough patches together (August 2, 2009 comes to mind), but overwhelmingly the time we spent together was wonderful. And I wouldn't trade a minute of it for anything. Some of my favorite memories with you, my girl:
1. The day we brought you home from the shelter...June 12, 2009...I will never forget what a perfect day that was, and how lucky I felt to have you.

3. Seeing how much you loved the 4th of July celebrations! A grand day...aside from when you ran away from me and I had to chase you through 4 yards, screaming...

5. Any time I picked you up and carried you around like a baby...I'm sorry...I know you really aren't a fan of that. I just can't help it...you're so cuddly and cute. Thank you for always being a good sport and putting up with it.

6. Giving you a bath. Any of the times I've done it. It's oh-so-fun fighting to keep you in the tub when you're soaking wet and willing to do ANYthing to jump out and run away. Drying you off is always fun too...it's like trying to wrangle a bucking bronco, for gosh sakes!
7. Snuggling in bed with you. Let's remember...you slept OUT of the bed your first and second nights after coming home...and never again after that...

9. You standing up to get to the coffee table to eat an entire piece of pizza before we could catch you. I've never seen you look more smug, you little sneak!
10. Waking up with you in the mornings, and taking you out for early morning walks. What better way to start a day than to get to see how thrilled you were each time to get out there and run in the grass and sniff everything and prance around....I can't think of anything better.

I'm doing what I think is best for you, even though it means a lot of sadness for me. I can't believe I won't get to see you every day anymore...but don't think for even a minute that that means you won't be on my mind. I love you, Miss Lalo...you mean the world to me. Be a good girl, and I hope I get to see you sometime soon...
This brings tears to my eyes! What a sweet tribute to your pup. She'll miss you too, but consistency in her routine is what's best for her. I know it doesn't make leaving any easier though.