Monday, August 23, 2010

The Apartment Hunt

So...the hunt is officially on. It started on Saturday this past weekend. There are a lot of stressful parts of a big move, but by far the biggest is finding an actual space to call home. It can be exciting too, but I'll be glad when it's over.

Here is the hunt zone:
Pretty amazing, isn't it? That is actually about to be my new home (not the actual Pier, but Santa Monica for sure)'s a tad surreal at this point. I have to pinch myself approximately 2-3 times per day while thinking/daydreaming about it.

But back to my mission. After looking at some apartments this weekend, here are some of the more interesting things I saw:

1. An apartment that comes with every appliance included except a refrigerator (apparently this is actually common in the area...but what the heck?!)
2. An apartment with the washer/dryer IN the kitchen
3. An apartment with a "spacious balcony" (actual approximate dimensions = 2 ft. x 5 ft.)
4. An apartment complex, which was by far the most expensive one I looked at, that smelled like garbage just about everywhere

Don't worry...I saw lots of nice places too! And none of the 4 listed above are in the running for me! But those points were too interesting to not share.

The good news? I put in an application for an apartment early this morning (before flying off to Portland for the week). It's very spacious, just renovated, in the perfect location, and just gorgeous in general. The bad news? I don't know if anyone else has applied for it yet, and therefore whether or not I have a good chance of getting it. SO stressful! I'm hoping to hear about it in the next couple of days....keep your fingers crossed for me, please...and maybe your toes too. And maybe throw some salt over your shoulder. And rub a rabbit's foot. And go check your yards for a 4-leaf clover.


  1. I said my prayer! Is this the place you were really excited about when we spoke Saturday? This move is going to get mad real in a hurry...I'm so excited for you!!!

  2. Thank you! I'll take all the prayers and good thoughts I can get - I'm dying to hear something. Yes, this is the one I was really excited about on Saturday! It would be sooooo great. And I know it's getting real...I'm getting much more wound up these days! Can't wait for you to arrive next week to help calm me down :)
