Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Feelin' Hot, Hot, HOT

This is such an easy follow-up to my last post...things I will not miss about North Carolina #2 - the heat. My God...the HEAT! How do people seriously survive here? I can't even tell you how miserable it's been. And not just the heat...the humidity! Even the walls sweat all day.

When I take Lalo outside for her first morning potty run, at around 6:30 or 7:00am, it's already 85 degrees. Which is so lovely when I get back then to have my first cup of coffee and my pajamas are stuck to my back.

When I drive home at 11:45pm (which I just did), my car still reads 92 degrees. So much for trying to be a little 'green' and turning down the A/C a bit overnight....evening chill? Doesn't exist here.

And finally, the big fat cherry on top of this sweaty sundae...here's the beauty I got to lay eyes on this afternoon:

Um...109 degrees...really, North Carolina? Really?! Come on...give a girl a break. And that PLUS approximately 100% humidity all day? I rest my case. 'Nuff said.


  1. yeah, yeah, I did hill repeats in it ;)

  2. Why would you do that?! I could barely take the trash out without fainting...you must be a machine...can't be human :)
