Monday, August 2, 2010

12 is the Magic Number

That's right folks...after much moaning and whining, and procrastinating, and also many unsuccessful attempts at the Bewitched nose jiggle (I'm able to believe in magic when it can help me out), I have 12 whole boxes packed up and ready to move across the country!

Now, I'm not sure if 12 sounds like a lot to people, but to me it's a huge feat. Going from a giant stack of flattened boxes (and way too many minutes, maybe hours, of just staring at them in disgust) to the image above? Almost magical.

Obviously I'm trying to pack logically as I go, and keep out the things I might need in the next couple of weeks (on the days I'm actually home anyway) and pack the rest...BUT, who's to say I'm not going to be inspired to bake cupcakes and need my awesome covered pan? Or what if I get the urge to look at my 21st birthday photo album? Or what if I just really want to drink coffee out of a Christmas mug?! Theoretically, I now cannot do those things until I get to LA. So of course I realllllllly want to. Darn.

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