Is there anything more stressful than a giant pile of empty boxes, staring back at you expectantly? I think not. At least not while a person is in the midst of preparing for a move...across the country...with all of her earthly possessions. It's almost as if I have no idea where to even start. Should I pack books first? Or dishes? Or shoes? (dear God, all the shoes) There's a part of me that would kind of love to just throw out all of my stuff and start fresh once I get out to LA. It would certainly be the easier option. However, I am a sentimental enough person that that would probably make me too sad to be able to actually pull off in real life. I am also a recovering pack rat though, so maybe there's a happy middle ground that I can find.
Initially, I thought for sure that I could get rid of a good portion of my stuff and then just ship some boxes out there...and buy a one-way ticket to the Golden Coast for myself. But two things happened to squash that idea - 1) I have way too much stuff to be able to do that. Even if I get rid of a good amount (which I fully intend to do), I will still have too much to just ship out there willy-nilly. And then 2) I just feel as if shipping things and flying out there for the move is so...I don't know...anti-climactic. A cross-country move seems to deserve a good, solid road trip. A person has to earn her new location. So that is exactly what will be happening...hello 2600 miles in a 10-foot moving truck. I think I can, I think I can...
Anyway, here is what I am currently staring at:

Yeah, not fun. I mean, come on...I haven't even built the boxes yet! Maybe if I can get over that first hurdle the rest will come a little easier. AND I've so far left out one very important point - my amazing parents are here this weekend. They drove down to NC just to help me get organized and pack. Parents of the year, hands down. Who has two thumbs and is super lucky, but also extremely grateful? This girl.
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