My incredible brother flew into RDU last night, as he is accompanying me on this crazy trip to SoCal (best brother EVER). I think the plan was to head to bed at a reasonable hour so that we'd be nice and rested for day #1. The kicker to that plan? The Chapel Hill gang had already been drinking for a few hours by the time he arrived, and had no plans to stop anytime soon. So what were the Olsons to do?! Continue/join the partaaaaaay, of course. No other option.
So what did the rest of the night entail? High-level summary = mucho drinks (including lots of delicious tall boys), dancing, Bub's, shuffleboard, Big Buck Hunter, Lady Gaga, "icing," betting, ping pong, trash talking, Time Out, fried chicken, mac 'n cheese, Tar Heel Taxi. I can't think of a better send-off for today's departure...

That's just a sample...for the full line-up of amazingness, check out the FB.
Soooooo...that's the set-up for the beginning of our 2700 mile journey, bright and early this morning. It did not feel good waking up, and knowing what was ahead of us. But luckily I had enough excitement about starting my move to eventually roll out of bed, make a giant pot of coffee, get my brother up, and get us in the Budget truck to hit the road. I didn't look TOO miserable this morning, right?

Vital stats for day #1:
- Number of Olsons involved - 2
- Size of moving truck - 16 feet
- Combined cups of coffee consumed - 10
- Number of curbs taken out by moving truck - 3 (all me...oops)
- U.S. states covered - 2
- Gallons of gas used - approx. 61
- Miles DONE - 735.5 (see proof below)
- Minutes I will be able to stay awake in Memphis hotel after writing this - 3 (at best)

Here's to a good night's sleep and another successful day tomorrow! We will be hitting up Graceland for some honka-honka fun before starting driving tomorrow...I think having Elvis on our side can only be a good thing.
Oh my gosh! I love that you're driving your own moving van to CA. Quite an adventure.