Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wait...What Time Zone Am I In?!

I was in Charleston, WV for work this week...and I learned a very important lesson regarding my move across the country...I am pretty much never really going to know where I am or what time zone I'm in, and my body will most likely be constantly jacked up. Why is this, you ask? Well, it's because of a little something I like to call the "reverse commute" - and it's a stinker.

Many times in my career I've done the east coast to west coast commute, and while tricky, it's really not all that bad. Body gets a little confused, and you get tired kind of early in the evenings, BUT you spring out of bed early in the mornings - so it's a decent balance. The reverse of that, however, is much worse. Body definitely gets confused, you can't fall asleep by any sort of reasonable hour in the evenings, AND you can't get up without pain in the morning....alarm set for 6:15am? Nope! Body says, "Hell no, it's 3:15am lady! Go back to sleep! Are you crazy?!" But get up I must to get in to the office and do my job! I think I'm going to be consuming about 3 times as much coffee as I usually do while doing the reverse commute...which will probably only keep me up even later at night...darn you, vicious cycle!!

The other kicker about this? I'm not sure if it's the same for anyone that does it, but my body also is hungry pretty much all day long while this confused. I don't just get hungry 3 hours later than everyone else, as you may expect. I just am hungry when I wake up, and all day, and nothing really seems to satisfy me. How in the world am I going to deal with that?! I guess I'll have to be logging lots of gym time...because I refuse to be sleep-deprived AND 10 pounds heavier. That won't work. Definitely not.

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