Anyway, it was quite an exciting end to 2011 and beginning to 2012 for me! I was back in Chicago for New Year's Eve, which I got to spend with 8 fabulous people.
Including my "running coach" CB:
I liked her glasses so much (and need new ones for myself anyway) that I decided to try them on and see if they gave me that 'sexy librarian' look I'm always going for:
Anyway, our little gang had a great night. We started with a little pre-party at this fabulous couple's place:
We had apps and drinks for a couple hours while enjoying the amazing city views from their 37th floor pad - love it. Then we headed off to a restaurant in Millenium Park for a 5 course dinner, including lots of wine and champagne. We toasted in 2012 there, as the 5 courses took us from 9:30pm to about 12:45am. Totally worth it though. It was de-li-cious. Then we headed back to the trendy bar at the Blu hotel for a few more drinks to round out the night. And there may or may not have been some ice skate-less ice skating on the Millenium Park ice rink on the way. That's all I'll say. It was the perfect end to 2011 and welcome to 2012! I've never been too much of a fan of the big, crazy, party New Year's Eve celebrations. I'd rather spend it with good friends, good food and drink, and in a place where we can actually hear each other speak. Mission accomplished.
Unfortunately, 2012 began as most years begin...with a bit of a hangover. But that was too bad. This girl had to get up, get ready and packed, and head to the airport to fly to Virginia. I was exhausted from serious lack of sleep from Friday night and NYE, so I was pretty much running on fumes. The good news is that there was really nothing for me to do while the movers loaded up the truck. So what did I do? I hauled some pillows and blankets into this location, and took a nap:
Yup. That's a closet. I took a nap in a closet. And I'm not ashamed. It was gooooooood. I passed right out in my little cave. (it even made me feel a little like Harry Potter, since it's under the stairs...)
My brother and I both flew in to help our parents move down to their new home in Florida. Nothing like an Olson family roadtrip....with 2 being a 26 foot moving truck:
It was boys vs. girls. Boys in the big, manly moving truck (obviously) and girls in the car. Since cell phones would be annoying between the two, calling back and forth and what-not, we used walkie-talkies instead. Yes, seriously. And it was awesome. The Biebs came too. Here he is before we left with the girls' walkie-talkie:
The walkie-talkies belong to my brother, but I almost want to buy my own now. Having those made the journey so much more fun! We got to use trucker speak ("Breaker, breaker," "Roger that," "10-4"), code names (Screaming Eagle, Ghostrider, and some other less appropriate ones), and talk to the other vehicle at any moment about anything (for example, "Come you know how many miles it is from here to Savannah?"..."Yes, I saw the's 69 miles away"..."Hahahaha")
We had a great 900 mile trip, I have to say. As great as it can be anyway. Aside from leg cramps, butts falling asleep, not enough bathroom breaks, too much coffee, and dealing with idiot drivers on the road, it was a good time. I'm really glad all 4 of us got to do it together.
And now we've spent the rest of the week in the new digs! I have to say....having my parents now live in southern Florida is a pretty great thing. I can pretty much have a beach vacation whenever I want. And escape the Chicago winter when I think I can't take anymore. The only problem is that I'm afraid of both sharks and alligators (one of the two inhabit every natural body of water around here). But I think I can handle that if I get to spend a bunch of time here.
Congratulations Mom and Dad! Excellent choice.
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