My sweet puppy dog, Farley, moved on to Doggy Heaven exactly one month ago today. And I still miss him. Very much. It was especially hard being home with my parents in Richmond over Christmas, and then with them in the new house in Florida last week...and not having him around in either place. His presence was so much bigger than his little body.
We'll always miss him, but I think the last month has given us time to really accept that it was his time. Though we wanted him with us forever, his quality of life was deteriorating rapidly. And we wouldn't want him to be anything but happy and comfortable.
I've also had a lot of time to think back about his life, and my favorite memories of him, and also to dig up some old pictures. I can't resist sharing them here, especially because I know that many of you who read here actually knew Farley in his hey-day, or at least have had the distinct pleasure of meeting him. So here are some of my favorites of Farley-boy.
I think he weighed about 3 pounds when this was taken.
Our little puffy statue.
Too cute to NOT put in a box. Sorry, Farley.
Before he was house-trained, he spent a good amount of time in a play pen. Adorable.
He wanted to cuddle with me, even with my ugly bangs.
Such a little love-bug.
I spent a lot of time talking to you, little brother. You were the best listener in the world.
I never saw him more pissed off than this. Never.
Good Wisconsin dogs drink beer.
Being carried in a jacket was one of his favorite things.
I decided to wear the stupid antlers instead of putting them on him. For once.
The cocked head. Melted my heart every, single time.
He weirdly loved to watch the rain. From a dry spot, of course.
He didn't like to be bothered when napping under the Christmas tree.
Coordinating fleece jackets. Precious.
Napping at the dinner table. Bad manners, but with a face that cute, we didn't care.
One of the very last pictures taken of him. So sweet and cute all the way to the end...
We'll miss you forever, Farley. I hope you're having a grand, old time up there. Just know that I'll still talk to you from time to time. I can't help that. I've done it for almost 16 years. I can't stop now. I just hope you'll still listen as patiently as always. Love you, buddy.
Hugs... xoxo