It was pretty amazing...I definitely went back to my college girl self for a couple of days. I'm going to blame the holiday and having awesome company around me all weekend for the behavior though. I just couldn't help myself! Here's the weekend recap:
* After arriving back to town from Portland around 8:00pm, I dropped off my luggage at home and then proceeded to haul it over to my favorite martini and cigar bar with JH for live music and fun. This is my new favorite thing to do on Thursday nights. I don't even care that it makes me feel a little not-hot on Friday then...totally worth it!
* Work at home in my jammies (yay!) all day
* Go for a test run in my new fab running shoes - seen here:

....and run 5 whole miles!! For me, this is huge. I didn't even think I had it in me. But I think it came from a combination of two factors - wearing all my new running gear, and then having this as my view during the run:

* PH comes over to my place around 7:00pm - we hang there for a bit (in our sassy outfits)
* We then proceed to Blue Agave for some yummy Mexican food, annnnnnnd multiple too-strong margaritas (the start of the madness!)
* Next, as we're walking to catch a taxi, we happen upon a palm-reading yes...we stumbled in and got our palms read from a strange lady
* We marvel for a few minutes afterward at how eerily on-target she was with our readings
* Next up, we finally catch a taxi and head up to Moe's Cantina in Wrigleyville...and join the crazy party that is Friday night of Halloween, and 7 other friends
* We proceed to try to keep up with the crowd there, which entails lots of drinks and lots of dancing....somewhere in there I get gum on my purse (d'oh)
* Bar closes just before 2:00am....but are we ready to go home? Of course not! What better next stop than The Hangge Uppe?! That's right...the bar that can (for whatever reason) stay open to 4:00am.
* Stay until that place closes...then continue dancing in the streets for the couple blocks to get home (we looked like happy fools)
* Finally wake up at 1:00pm....pounding headache
* Get up and putz around until 2:00pm. Decide my head hurts too bad to stay vertical. Take 3 Aspirin and pound a Diet Coke. Then lay down on couch and watch football/doze for 3 hours.
* Then I finally made myself get up, drink coffee, and hop in the shower - time to get ready for another night on the town!
* 7:45pm - meet up with JM for some classy, more grown-up fun at Bin 36 wine bar. Stay there for about 3 hours, drinking delicious wine, munching on a giant cheese plate, and having the best conversations (as we always do!)
* About 11:00pm - I continue on to Lasalle Power Company to meet up with a group, who are all actually decked out in costumes. Here are a few choice shots:

(Haha - Bret Michaels hugging our ear of corn. Oh Joe...he didn't even see it coming!)
* Jam to dueling pianos until about 1:00am (they are soooooooo good!!)
* Head up to the 2nd floor then, and proceed to dance our butts off until about 2:30am (and have lots of unintended tequila)
* Most people crash at this point, however, the last 2 of us standing headed to Elly's Diner to eat omelettes, hashbrowns, and pancakes...until 4:00am
* Finally went home, and fell immediately asleep
* Wake up just before noon - go meet AC for 2.5 hour coffee date
* Go home - unpack from last week, pack for this week, do a little cleaning, and watch some football (and The Jersey Shore Reunion)
* In the middle of that I received the perfect phone call - an invitation to have dinner made for me. Nothing I can bring, nothing I can do...just show up and be taken care of....yes please!
* Have perfect Sunday evening dinner, and watch multiple episodes of the TV show "Shameless"...which I had never heard of before yesterday when my sweet chef introduced me to it (great show!)
I can't even believe I just survived the madness of this weekend. I haven't done two 4:00am nights in a row (and following a 1:00am night before that) in forever. I guess it's good to know I've still got it! But I probably won't be using it TOO body might just shut down in protest.
Happy Halloween!!! (And a big Happy Birthday to WL!! Don't worry, big guy...everyone knows the anniversary of your birth is more important than candy and costumes.)
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