Before getting into too many details, let me just point out that I got to spend the weekend with a couple of fabulous people. Including this guy:

The amazing weekend started off with this little table of goodness in our hotel room:
First stop on the reunion tour? State Street Brats, of course! My favorite bar in Madison...and maybe the whole world.
The good old cow was still there to greet us on the way in:
I got to stuff my face while sitting across from this adorable site:

Look how much AS and I love each other....can't you just feel it?
And the bro-sis bond....stuck on each other like super glue, per the usual!

Dancing in the stands. The only one. Why did no one tell me I looked like a weirdo?

More dancing like a tool....but this time with my beloved Wild Turkey bottle. C-L-A-S-S-Y.
Tough girl. She can be scary when she wants to.

Believe it or not, I carried that damn $6.00 bag of kettle corn around alllllllll day. Great snack though. I think we were all happy I had it.

Getting closer to the field. Matt was on a mission to get us out on the actual turf again this year...

And, we made it! Just for a second though. The security guards were unamused.
Last ones out. We just did not want to leave that place!
All hail Ron Dayne.
And all hail this mustache. It is pure fabulousness.
Post-game partaaaaaaaay! With Leinie's and this awesome new friend:
We had to debate the lyrics to a couple of the dance songs....I believe the debate Matt captured here was about Neyo...or maybe Lady Gaga. It's all a little blurry.

And what better way to wrap up the daytime fun than by heading back to State Street? We'd had just enough Wild Turkey that going to buy a ton of Badger gear seemed like a genius idea. (Which always is, let's be honest)
Every, single time I set foot back in Madison I am immediately reminded of all the amazing times I had there, and how incredibly lucky every one of us alumni are for having had the opportunity to experience UW. There's just no place like it in the world. And getting to go there and hear "Welcome Home!"....priceless.

It's oh-so-true....when you say've said it ALL!!! Love you, Bucky.
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