Anyway, I was nice and excited for a little trip to the store today. But can I have a nice trip without incident? Of course not. Have you met me? That would be way too dull for my life.
Pretty much within the first 5 minutes I was in the store, a really fabulous/crazy man found me and decided it would be fun to shop with me, I guess? Ugh. He started trying to talk to me, and asked me if I wanted him to push my cart for me, yada yada yada. I said no and kept trying to walk away. Does it deter him? Nope. He proceeded to follow me around the entire time I was shopping. Everywhere. And once he got those fairly practical questions out of the way up front, there was nothing else left for him to say the whole time, except, "Jam and jelly. Jam and jelly. Jam and jelly." Just that. Over and over and over....following me around.
Not only was that super annoying, BUT I'm convinced he was making some reference to my body...possibly calling me fat. Beyonce in, "I don't think you're ready for this jelly." Is that what it was about, sir?! Was it?! He's lucky I didn't leave there with only diet soda and celery.
(On a more positive note, I got some pictures from my birthday dinner last night! I mostly want to share them to showcase the GIANT piece of cake that I got. Look at that thing! It weighed approximately 4 pounds, and I'm not even lying. Good thing I had good friends to share it with!)

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