Dear Santa Monica,
What a wild ride it's been with you. I've lived here for a whole year now, and I couldn't be any happier that I made the decision to do that. I've had the most amazing year, and I did everything I meant to do here, and I got everything out of this experience that I was hoping for...and then a whole bunch more too.
It's hard to sum up how I'm feeling right now, on this, my last night in Los Angeles (as a resident anyway...I'll for sure be back for visits!). So I'll just go ahead and do my favorite thing...make a list! Here are some of my fondest memories and favorite things about my year in Southern California:
1. Hollywood Bowl (exactly how many bottles of wine can 3 people sneak in on their persons?!)
2. LA Philharmonic (we so fancy)
3. Cabo Cantina (sooooooo many great times here...I wouldn't even know where to begin)
4. Trips to Victoria's Secret (especially after bottomless drinks at Cabo Cantina, when we don't always remember going, or buying huge bags of lingerie...and yes, this happened more than once)
5. Walks on and by the beach (daytime, night-time, any time)
6. Celebrity sightings at LAX
7. Celebrity sightings in my neighborhood
8. Disneyland with LK (nothing better than drinking a few dirty martinis at Downtown Disney, and then running around the park tipsy with our sequin Minnie Mouse ears on....and also not being able to find the "plus" button on the keychain maker machine...)
9. TV shopping in the rain with LM (and seeing Seth Rogen and James Franco while in line)
10. Riding a tandem bike down to Marina del Rey to find the 'Banana Stand'
11. El Cholo dates (and ogling the yummy looking host)
12. Stepping in tar on a beach walk with MS (and then spending the next 2 hours drinking margaritas and trying everything we could think of to get it off...nail polish remover was finally the victor)
13. "Golf Pros and Tennis Hos" bar crawl
14. St. Patrick's Day bar crawl
15. Okay....every single bar crawl we went on in the last crawls are the best
16. Bowling (and the photos shoots that follow)
17. Monsoon happy hours (again, so many that I can't even begin to count)
18. Rose Bowl (and dressing LK up as a Badger fan)
19. Volunteering at the LA Food Bank
20. Going on special adventures in Venice (and always feeling a little dazed afterward)
21. The Hustler Store in West Hollywood (um...let's not delve any further into this one)
22. Almost freezing to death in Anaheim at the Angels game (thank goodness it was free beanie night...I'm pretty sure those things saved our lives)
23. Flinging my precious "independence ring" off my hand and into the dark sand on the beach at 2:30am one night...and then spending the next 30 minutes searching for it by the light of Blackberrys (KB ended up finding it for me...he's still my hero for that)
24. Hiking in all the awesome mountains in and around LA (it's the best workout that doesn't actually feel like a workout in the world!)
25. The W-E-A-T-H-E-R (what more is there to say?)
Those are just 25 of the countless amazing things from my LA life in the past year (it took me a short 2 minutes to come up with that's so easy), but I have to stop there, because if I don't, I'll just rattle on until I get to #3623 and realize it's 4:00am and I have to get up in 1 hour to start my moving day. That wouldn't be a pretty sight. Plus going too far would probably make me a little emotional. And there's no time for that right now!
So that's it. This show is just about over. I start the journey to move to Chicago tomorrow! My mom is here with me, and has been for 3 days now. Yes...I've done ALL my packing in the last 3 days. (Mom, you are the best!)
Apartment is totally disassembled, cleaned up, 30 boxes are packed up and ready to go, 16' foot moving truck gets picked up in about 8 hours, with 2,150 miles in front of us, and a partridge in a pear tree. I'm ready. Let's get this show on the road!