The whole glorious week was split into two parts. Two VERY different, distinct parts. Part 1 = peaceful, relaxing week...beautiful beach house in Florida. Part 2 = crazy, off-the-wall, unreal weekend...giant suite...Palms Place in Las Vegas. I'm going to tell you about part 1 first.
My good friend, ES, was in the same boat as me recently. Working super, crazy hard. Long hours. Tons of travel. Just really in need of some time to kick back, relax, soak up some sun, and all that good stuff. We realized at about the same time that we both needed this...eureka! Why not plan a little get-away together?! Genius.
So we were able to snag 5 days at a gorgeous beach house in Seacrest Beach, FL. What did we do that whole time? Let's walk through a few pictures to help illustrate our activities.
* Spent countless hours drinking this in:

* Ate soooooo much good food (pretty much only super fresh and delicious seafood), and drank yummy drinks:
* Walks on the beach! Sometimes stumbling on awesome this gem...people really still fly confederate flags?! Really?!:

Annnnnnnnnd so on and so forth. Seriously? That's really what we did the whole time. It was incredible. I can't remember the last time I spent a few days like that. It felt so great. I haven't felt that refreshed, relaxed, peaceful, etc. in a long time. Just what the doctor ordered.
* See how relaxed we look?!

The beach was perfection. Sometimes I get so caught up in my bouncing-all-over-the-place-all-the-time lifestyle (which I love), that I forget what it's like to actually relax. It's pretty great too. I probably should work on doing this more often. Aaaaaaahhhhhhh. Love it.
You know what I also love? The abundance of hilarious signs in Seacrest Beach! They're everywhere. Here are a few of my favorites:
* Amen to this one:

* Um....right on, souvenir store:
* And probably my favorite. Makes me want to move to the beach and open a dress I can set my own hours...and start work at "11'ish":
So great! What a wonderful time. Thanks ES, for being the perfect buddy for a get-away like this. We nailed it with this one, for sure! (Let's just make sure we ALWAYS have Solo cups with us wherever we go in the know what I mean, right?)

* I grew up in Wisconsin...I obviously have known this since birth:

* Here, here! Take it outside, people:

* Hahahaha:

So yes, I left Florida feeling wonderful and refreshed (and with a bit of a tan!)....only to head off to part 2 of the vacation...and un-do all of that good work. Stay tuned for the run-down on part 2. I promise you won't want to miss that one.
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