They had to go through the airport x-ray machine on their side, which was a little nerve-wrecking. But Jose, the TSA agent, waited for them on the other side and protected them until I could make my way through with all my other crap. That was a fairly big hurdle to clear. Throughout the rest of the day the flowers went in bathrooms at 3 airports (ORD, MSP, and PDX), drank Starbucks water, sat in 4 different chairs, got endless compliments, made their owner a spectacle, and rode on 2 airplanes. Here is photo evidence...they rode in 1st class on one flight (in a coat closet), and in the exit row on the other (on their side under a seat):
The flowers also rode backseat in a rental car (upgrade again - brand new Jeep with only 34.7 miles on it):

Maybe carrying those around all day was a little like having a child with me? Possibly good preparation for parenthood some day. (but not entirely...note that the flowers were not buckled in)
They are now comfortably sitting on a dresser in my hotel room in Lake Oswego. They look great after all they've been through! And they're continuing to bring cheer to me. Most definitely.
Never a dull moment, right?
You crack me up! You easily fly more than anyone I know. I think you should write a memoir about your time in the skies. "Up in the Air" but less George Clooney and more Lindsay. :)