But assuming it's the end of the "mini-project" I was working on for the past 6 weeks, I figured I should do one of my favorite things...which is to make a list of my favorite things. Anyone who knows me well, knows how much I love lists! (And if you know me well, you also know how much I love my job, and how VERY much I love New York City...so it's the tri-fecta of Lindsay-world...A.K.A. the longest blog post ever)
Highlights From 6 Weeks in the Greatest City on Earth
* Getting to stay in ridiculously nice hotels in such a fabulous city...with views like this:

* Getting to ride the subway everyday...which also means getting to do amazing people watching, play rat-spotting on the tracks, attempt to subway surf, get in needless fights with strangers, accidentally spill coffee on yourself at unexpected turns (many times), etc.
* Getting to walk through Times Square whenever I felt like it! And seeing my favorite M&M:

(And also checking on the "ball" everyday...waiting for them to change 2010 to 2011...still hadn't happened as of 12/23/10...shouldn't they be getting on that pretty quickly?!)
* Eating lots of delicious NYC bagels...they don't make 'em like that anywhere else! (My waistline does not thank me for the consumption, however)
* Getting to go to Fairway whenever I felt like it...it's the greatest market ever. For too many reasons to list here...but let me just give you a taste of it's awesomeness...yes, this is alllllllll cheese (and yes, I got in trouble for taking this picture):

* Getting to work with a team of coworkers who love "that's what she said" jokes as much as I do
* Going to dinners at fabulous restaurants with said coworkers...even when they trick you into being the one person at the table who has 4 desserts in front of you...one being birthday cake that you didn't order (but your director did sneakily) and involved the staff singing to you and you blowing out a candle (I wished for an iPad...why waste a wish?!):

* Getting to spend time catching up with a dear friend...lots of wine and dinners with HS...love her lots
* Drinking a bunch of champagne and martinis with your team and then going to Top of the Rock at Rockefeller Center...which involved a ride up in a freaky elevator (this was the view through the glass ceiling as we rode up...we thought it was pretty much the funniest thing ever at the time):

* Seeing the most amazing views of Manhattan from Top of the Rock...but then finding the weird lights room up on the roof...and thinking that was more amusing:
* Annnnnnd then noticing a serious lack of dance music in the weird lights room, and immediately fixing that problem by pulling out the J-man's iPhone and playing "Like a G6" for all to hear:
* Learning and making up cool new catch phrases with the team, such as "badittude," "I think you're doing it wrong," "whatevah, whatevah," "joint" (which can apparently mean anything in the world, right MD?), and "bomb.com" or "Idon'tgiveacrap.gov"
* The endless debate over whether short-billed hats are stylish...sorry LD, they absolutely ARE
* Getting to go to Rockefeller Center whenever the heck we felt like it to see the tree! It was a short 15 blocks from our office...aaaahhhhh...we were so lucky!

* Pretending we were going to buy a bunch of cheesy souvenirs to get the shop girls to take our picture...and then buying nothing:
(Trying on genuine alpaca hats at the Union Square Holiday Market...MD bought the one I was wearing here for her sister...best gift idea ever)

(Seeing "Promises, Promises" on Broadway! With Sean Hayes, Kristin Chenoweth, Molly Shannon, and red wine in sippy cups)

(Radio City...which included us trying to do Rockette kicks on the street...I think we were a bit out of sync)

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