Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Drugstore Magic?

I have really been loving life lately...I'm a seriously lucky lady in many, many ways...but I have to say it...I am TIRED. I go, go, go all day, every day, and I just never get anywhere near as much sleep as my poor body would like. I know it. And I feel bad about it. But where does the sleep fit in? With work, and nonstop travels from coast-to-coast, and personal commitments, and trying to keep up with friends and family all over the country...I just don't have any openings right now. And as much as I know I need more sleep, I'm just not willing to give up anything right now! I love everything I'm doing and I know that I can't possibly keep up a schedule like this forever...so I have to enjoy every second of it while I can.

So that means I am open to a little help here and there when I can get it. And after a stop at Duane Reade this evening, I'm hoping I have found a little bit of magic, in a bottle:

Neuro-Sleep. I've seen it around a few times, but never really given it any thought. But I'm exhausted, and I needed a beverage anyway, and well...why the heck not try it?! The claim is that it is drug-free, HOWEVER, the warning states that it "will cause drowsiness" - that's right. Not "MAY cause drowsiness." They are totally confident that it will. I'm fascinated by this idea.

I'm a little scared, and a lot curious, about what this will do to me, if anything. I will probably only have half of it to be safe - I'm the same girl who can usually only take half-doses of any type of medicine because I'm so small and things hit me hard. We'll see though...I hope it's the magic that I believe it can be...

And if not, I know there are a few other options out there that can usually help me fall asleep (though not really stay asleep):

I mean, the mini-bar IS right there next to my big, comfy bed. If Neuro-Sleep doesn't work out, a nightcap may be in order.

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