Aaaaaaahhhhh, Valentine's Day. A fairly silly day that so many people struggle with...and I can't figure out why. It is pretty much just another day, in my opinion. Or at the most, it's just a day for men to make amends for not-so-great things they've done. (Am I right, ladies?) I have never been a big Valentine's Day person, and I don't think I ever will be. I mean, I'm not going to NOT be smiley when a dear friend sends me this valentine:
(Thanks, SZ!) And I'm only going to be happy and flattered when I wake up to a "Happy Valentine's Day, Linds!" text from a not-so-secret admirer...that he sent me at 12:04am...just minutes into the day. That's adorable. (I will protect his identity here though) I can't help but like that. BUT, that doesn't mean that I ultimately love the day overall. There are just too many weird and huge expectations around the day. What may have been cute and sweet, at one time, has become this beast of a task that some people (mostly men, I would guess) feel that they can't ever really conquer.
So how did I spend my Valentine's evening last night? I got a little sucked into the hype and went to see "Titanic in 3D" with a couple pals. It was a free advanced screening of the upcoming release, with free food and drinks too, so I would have been crazy not to do it! But I did feel a little silly going to see such a lovey-dovey movie (with a little disaster in there too) on Valentine's Day. Especially one where almost everyone in the theater cries. Including me. You would think that after seeing the movie approximately 24 times in my life, the ending would no longer make me shed tears. Well, if you think that then you would be wrong. I still cried. I tried really hard not to, but lost the battle. The good news? The gold 3D glasses hid it pretty well.
Fun fact about the evening? I found a popcorn kernel in my bra when I was putting my pajamas on last night. Apparently I was so engrossed in the film, yet again, that I didn't even notice that fall down my dress. Classy.
We had a good time though. We also got free posters and tshirts, played "Titanic" trivia (yes, I got every question correct, thank you very much), and played some roulette (sponsored by a radio station)...and we even got this very official picture taken:
The guy in the middle is B...I don't know him, but met him in the theater he made his way in there...okee dokee. But M and S are so very wonderful (nice pose in the back there, M). I was happy to get to spend my Valentine's with them! I guess I can do something a LITTLE commercial on the day and still have a great time.
My favorite moment of the whole night though? A woman behind us in the theater going "Oh! No way...she had it the whole time!" when 100 year old Rose reveals that she has the Heart of the Ocean diamond from the Titanic. Um....seriously? One of the biggest movies of all time. It's been out for 15 years. You didn't know yet that she had the necklace? Ma'am, I suggest checking Craigslist for available apartments you can apply for...they have many these days that are NOT located under a rock.
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