...for many, many things in my life. And since this is the day during which we are all supposed to express our gratitude for the blessings we have, I shall do exactly that, as I sit here in New York City (my favorite place in the world) surrounded by my dear family.
I could write some long, drawn-out novel about all the things in my life I'm thankful for...and we all know how much I love lots and lots of words! So I'd thoroughly enjoy doing that. But for the sake of time and efficiency (and my full belly that would like to get horizontal soon...soooo much food and wine...), I'm going to keep it nice and simple. I can sum up what I'm thankful for this year with two words - stability and renewal.
STABILITY - I'm thankful for the constants in my life.
* My incredible family, who love me and support me in everything I do. I can't ever put enough emphasis on how amazing they are and how much they all mean to me. I'm sure all of us take our families for granted some of the time, BECAUSE they are such a constant. But that's all the more reason to stop doing that. I'd be lost without them.
* My amazing friends, old and new. When a person has friends who are there, unfailingly, for anything and everything a person could ever need...that's priceless. And I'm fortunate enough to have friends in all different cities who are a part of my extended family. They all constantly make my life oh-so-much fun.
* My optimism. I really love this one. I just never get sick of feeling happy and good about things. I know perfection is non-existent, so I readily accept that fact and then see all the greatness that does exist. If it was socially acceptable to carry champagne around with me all day, every day, and toast life...I would do it.
* My Green Bay Packers. I had to throw this one in there. They smoked the Detroit Lions today, which accomplished two things - 1) made me, my family, and cheeseheads everywhere insanely happy. And 2) won me a lobster dinner in a bet. Can't wait to cash in on that! (Sorry in advance, JH...I probably won't eat all day beforehand so I can fit in as much as possible)
RENEWAL - I'm thankful for change in my life.
* My new city. Yes, I moved AGAIN this year...making people start to think that moving is my favorite hobby (which is false, for the record). I'm just lucky enough to not yet be tied down to one location, and to have an incredible job that allows me to move around. I love the fact that some day far in the future I'll get to be the rambling older person who can list all the various cities I've lived in and adventures I've been on. Where will I be rambling that from? Anybody's guess.
* My age. This one will never stop changing, and I THINK I'm okay with that. I think when a person is in their early to mid-twenties, getting older seems like the worst punishment in the world. But then you actually get older and realize how fantastic it is. I've loved all my years leading up to now, but I have a feeling the ones to come are just going to keep getting better (as they already have been).
* My periodic purges. Of items, beliefs, and people. I haven't always been good at this type of change (in fact, I've been awful at it in the past)...but in the past couple of years I've gotten much better at it. And really in the last couple of months, specifically. If something/someone doesn't provide awesome value to my life and well-being (or worse, takes value away), then it needs to go. Plain and simple. No ifs, ands, or buts.
* My blossoming love for running. This would be a huge change, since I've normally been the person who would rather poke myself in the eye than have to run. But for whatever reason, I'm liking it a lot right now. Enough that I signed up for a half marathon after running just one 5K. (Stay tuned for the hilarity that is sure to ensue...)
It's so easy to focus on all the things that could improve in life, and I think we all do that a little too often. Which is why this holiday always seems to come at the perfect time, in my opinion. Look around at all the awesomeness in your life, say many thanks, hug someone you love, eat approximately 4,500 calories (according to The Today Show), drink a little too much wine, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
And apologize in advance to yourself for being mad tomorrow morning because your pants don't fit.