I got lucky, again!! Just had another awesome new hire class at work! Another group of fun, smart, goofy, entertaining, sweet newbies. I was sad to be leaving them at the end of the 4 weeks. I think we really bonded!
A couple of the highlights of my time with this group:
Hiking outing in Portland! Such beautiful landscape all over around there, and Multnomah Falls is no exception. Gorgeous. Here we are about to start the hike...thinking it's "not too bad":

Annnnnnd here we are at the top of the falls. The hike was much more intense than we were expecting (2 people didn't even make it to the top!), and we were super sweaty in this picture (but luckily you can't really tell):

And then, of course, a fun Thursday night out on the town in Portland is always in order! Here's me with the snazzy gang outside of Henry's 12th Street Tavern (one of my faves):

Amy happened to have this crazy headband in her purse that night. I, immediately upon seeing it, HAD to have it and wear it for the whole rest of the night:

This is Brandon. He was my sassy new guy...gotta love him though! But for this pic, I had to show him who was boss...clearly he's very worried about it...NOT:

These guys were so sweet, trying to buy me drinks all night! I ended up buying most of theirs though...they had worked hard for 4 weeks and earned them!

And THIS....this is me with JP. This girl is so amazing, I can't even put it into words. I've known her since the day of her first interview with the company. And we've been besties ever since. Love you, JP! You're the best-est!

Don't worry though....there was some learning mixed in with all the fun! Here I'm proudly displaying one of my new favorite books
Working with Emotional Intelligence. We taught a module on it for the first time last week, and nailed it! Good stuff. I highly recommend this book...I love it, but even non-nerds would too:

Aaahhhhh...I've said it before and I'll say it again...I...love...my...job. It rocks.
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