How many of you out there are lucky enough to have a friend who you've known for pretty much ever, and is there for you no matter what, and who you can't imagine life without? Count yourself lucky if you'd raise your hand to that question! I definitely do.
I was fortunate enough to be able to grab a train to Maryland from Virginia on Friday (on be briefly mentioned later) to go see dear, dear CB. I got to stay until Sunday morning, and it was just the best thing ever.
She's that friend for me, who has been with me since we were 13 years old, who is supportive of me no matter what I'm up to, who doesn't hate me when I drop off the radar for awhile with no explanation, who gives me the straight-forward truth (even when I don't necessarily want to hear it!), and who knows me better than I think I even realize.
She was patient enough to listen to every, single detail of my recent life...which has been crazy and all-over-the-place, like usual. And to listen to me talk through all the options (that I know of right now) that I have to a couple decisions I need to make in the near future. And she has this amazing way of giving her opinions and advice to me, but also not trying to sway me in any direction. She's a little like, so wise. (but definitely better-looking, and with way more hair)
Any time I get to see CB is amazing. We don't get to see each other nearly enough these days (hope to change that soon though!), but when we do, it's so comforting. I always feel a little rejuvenated after spending time with her, and she always puts huge smiles on my face. Hopefully I do the same for her too. Thanks CB, for being the you so much!
And on a (gross) side note...what is the deal with Amtrak?! Specifically the coach service. I used to ride their business class trains every week back in 2008, and I guess I got used to that group of people riding their trains - seemingly very normal, put together, and not disgusting.
Apparently riding in coach on their trains is totally different! The people that were on my trains were really just unbelievable. They were some of the grossest people I've seen in awhile, and all in one place. And no joke, I think everyone but me on the trains ATE the entire time!! People bring massive bags of food and crap with them for these rides...and just chow down nonstop. Seriously....the whole time. Beef jerkey, Cheetos, fruit snacks, Mountain Dew, chips, some things I couldn't even identify....eewwwwww. And silly me...I boarded the train with nothing but a bottle of water and some sugar-free gum. How un-Amtrak-trendy of me.
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