...who bleeds cardinal red, wears Bucky Badger tattoos (and dreams about him), sings "Varsity" and "If You Wanna Be a Badger" in her sleep, wants to serve cheese curds at every major event of her life (and on every day that ends in 'y'), writes "Ohio State" on the ground just so she can spit on it, and thinks (actually knows) that Madison is the greatest place in the world...willingly and publicly drinks out of this cup:
What the hey?!?! Yeah, it's true. That's mine. And I drank iced tea out of it already this morning. And water out of it yesterday on my flight. And lots of things out of it last weekend. It's almost a habit. Scary.
But to all my fellow Badger fans, don't worry...I'm not converting!! I am a Badger for life, and am still planning to leave Bucky Badger in my will. I'm just welcoming another one into my world, for AK. As long as I don't own anything that says "Buckeyes"...can't we look to Bucky's loving gesture below, and try to all get along?
The horror! Cute pic though. :)