No, there aren't mountains surrounding this place...and there aren't miles of beautiful beaches...and an ocean right there...and it's not always 75 and sunny (and not humid!) here...but it's gorgeous nonetheless. It looks so simple, yet inviting from up in the air.
I almost choked up as I walked off the plane and saw some VERY familiar sights:
Good ole' RDU airport. My old home airport. I've had so many flights in and out of this place, that I guess I can't help but feel comfortable there. I was expecting it to feel strange, and maybe a bit foreign...but it didn't. It really didn't. It felt normal. And kind of nice.
I grabbed a rental car (upgraded - yay!) after claiming my 55 pound suitcase from baggage claim, and proceeded to hit the road. I had to head to Winston-Salem, which is about 100 miles away from Raleigh-Durham. Oh, but it conveniently forced me to pass these gems:
I had to use every ounce of my willpower to NOT turn off at exit 273A. It's like I truly felt some sort of gravitational pull in that direction. I most certainly wasn't expecting to feel that. And after having to pass it by to continue further west, I teared up. I didn't sob and cry, but there were a few small tears. And if even a single tear rolls down my cheek while I'm driving and jamming to Lady Gaga...something is definitely a little "off."
It freaked me out a little. I've just been purely excited about this upcoming weekend until then. I get to see all my Chapel Hill friends (who I miss TERRIBLY) and hang with them for the weekend!!! So many good times to come. Annnnnnnnd I get to see my pup...my sweet Lalo. I haven't seen her beautiful face, and hugged her, and rubbed her ears, and patted her chubby belly, and smothered her with kisses in about 7 months now. I miss her so much. Every time I see someone out walking their dog in California, she crosses my mind. I'm a little afraid I'll be so overcome with emotion when I see her, that I might just lose it. She definitely always reminds me that I left some small piece of myself in Chapel Hill.
But I think the last time I was back for a visit in the Hill (6 months ago), it hadn't been long enough since my move to really feel like I had left. More than enough time has now passed though. So I don't really know how I'm going to feel. I know the pure joy and excitement of seeing everyone will not go missing (I can't wait)...but I'm guessing there will be something else mixed in there somewhere. What it will be? Only time will tell - 3 days to be exact.
Wow, I can't believe it's been 7 months already! Can't wait to hear how your reunion with Lalo goes. I'm sure your old gang is excited to see you. xoxo