After some yummy food was consumed, we hit up the Glam Nail Spa in Vinings - any real good Saturday includes deluxe manis and pedis (especially the hot paraffin wax hand treatment...sooooo soft now!). ES chose a nice pinkish color...I, on the other hand, went with OPI's "Green-wich Village"...better known as toxic green:

I only wish every mani/pedi could be followed by the activity we did next...shooting guns. It was my very first time...and it was incredible. I can't even describe the feeling of holding a loaded weapon, and pulling the trigger. I pretty much felt it throughout my entire body...I'm happy I didn't go flying backwards into the wall! I learned real fast to plant my feet firmly before firing.
We used traditional targets, but there are some other fun options to pick from. My favorite is shown here, top left - it's a creepy 80s-fabulous guy, holding up a nice-looking lady wearing mom jeans. I guess the goal is to protect the mom jeans.

Some of the other options included scary clown, hairy wolfman monster, and Nazi. Too many options. Here's ES setting up our bad guys:

And me taking them out. We got to shoot a 9-millimeter, a 45, and a rifle. I shot the 9-mm and rifle multiple times...but just one bullet with the 45. That one was a little too powerful for this small girl.

We were so proud of ourselves afterward - so many great shots! And a few missed ones as well...I know I can do even better next time.

I have a whole new respect for the power of weapons. Actually SEEING the fire of the bullet being shot (and hearing that thunder) really changes your view. I'm in awe...and a little bit shell-shocked still. But it was amazing - I'm SO incredibly glad we went and did that. (One more thing I can check off my life list!)
A rest was in order to recoup from all the bullets fired, and get ready for a fantastic all girls dinner at my favorite restaurant in Atlanta - Two Urban Licks! I love it so much, and have to go every time I'm in town. (And take pictures of the receipts...a little weird, but makes me smile!) We were even lucky enough to get one of the best booths there - great views of the entire restaurant AND the Atlanta skyline - beautiful.

Lots of fun today as well...going to church, delicious brunch at the OK Cafe, and hanging out/having dinner with and watching football with some faaaaabulous gentlemen. The Packers won, which is always a blast to watch. I wish the weekend didn't have to be over already...but maybe it won't actually be yet. All 3 of our flights (to 3 different places) have already been cancelled for tomorrow morning...Atlanta is getting a few inches of snow tonight. So the city is pretty much shutting down. And there is no milk or bread to be had in any of the stores. Which is odd...if I'm expecting to be snowed in, I'm going to the store for wine and ice cream...not boring old milk and bread. Geez.
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