I had to spend all day yesterday then and today cooped up in my hotel room at the Q Center as a result. Not fun. Anyone who has ever been sick on the road knows how yucky that can be. Luckily I have an amazing coworker who stepped in for me (to teach my class here) last minute, for both days, so I was able to rest a little easier knowing that my class wasn't totally left out to dry. I owe her big time. And on top of that, she and the class sent this up to my room yesterday:

So now I need to get myself better...and hopefully for real this time. The doctor yesterday seemed to think it was a possibility that I just never got fully better from when I was sick 6 weeks ago. I think he especially thought so once I told him about all my travels back and forth across the country since then. Fair enough. I know I'm just not getting anywhere near enough rest these days. I'm just not sure how to remedy that for myself! I fly twice a week, spend all week on the road in hotels, and then try to cram all my Cali fun at home into my weekends. Sleep would fit where in there?? That is the question. Now, who's got the answer for me? I'm all ears.
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