Monday, October 4, 2010

A Very Difficult Week

I know it's been 9 long days since I've last written, which I wish wasn't the case...but there has been a lot going on during that time...some really hard days to get through. I usually try to avoid sad updates, but there is just no way around this one. I have a few things that I feel like I need to say, even if only for a kind of therapy.

The stories are not mine to tell, so I will not get into details of anything...but last week there were two lives lost. Two very young, very promising lives. In two complete accidents. Neither of them related to each other. But both very hard to accept, and pretty much impossible to make sense of. My heart is aching for the two separate families who are going through a grief I cannot fully understand, but I am trying desperately to. In both cases someone I know lost a brother...I have a brother...I simply cannot even imagine how they feel and what they are going through. (And BY, I don't know how you did what you did...but you were amazing. Completely and utterly amazing. I don't think I could have managed what you did. I am so proud to call you my friend. I love you very much.)

One can't help but think about some important life lessons to take away from situations like these. They should be rules to live by every, single day. Unfortunately, they often get forgotten or pushed aside until we come upon tough days like these.

1. Life is short. Way shorter than we often realize or expect. Too short to "sweat the small stuff" or to worry about petty things or to hold grudges.
2. Family and friends make our worlds go 'round. Respect these people and shower them with love, because life would be way different (and not in a good way) if you didn't have them. Even when there's distance between you...they are your rocks.
3. And most importantly, make sure the people you love know exactly how you feel about them. You never know when your last chance will have passed to express your feelings. Don't worry about the "right time" or the exact right words to say or who should say what first...just say it. Now. While you can.

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