1. I got picked up at 7:00am from my apartment this morning, after about 5 hours of sleep (at best) - I almost forgot my wallet, and ran out to the car with my shoes untied...because I was running late. Par for the course on Monday mornings.
2. Some guy tried to walk away with my laptop at end of the security line at LAX, mistaking it for his own. I politely told him to hand it over...and then he yelled at me like it was my fault he is an idiot.
3. Another guy ran my foot over with his oddly heavy suitcase (no idea what was in there) while I was waiting to board my first flight. He did not apologize.
4. Guy sitting next to me on my first flight would NOT leave me alone...kept asking me questions about where I was going, what I do for a living, etc....all while I was READING my book. I finally had to pretend to sleep to get him to shut up.
5. Landed in Atlanta to find that my second flight had been delayed 2 and 1/2 hours. Darn it.
6. Flight gets delayed another 1/2 hour. DAMN.
7. I try to make myself feel better by eating dinner at the seafood restaurant in Terminal D. I stupidly order a platter of fried shrimp (buffalo style)...and proceed to eat the whole thing.
8. As a result, I have a stomach ache for the next hour...while still sitting in the Atlanta airport. Luckily I travel with Pepto (in pill form).
9. I run into a Managing Director from my company while waiting hours in ATL for my flight. I am traveling in sweat pants for the day, and look a bit like a schmuck. Luckily, he and I go way back and are buddies. Still mildly embarrassing.
10. Flight gets delayed ANOTHER 1/2 hour. Son of a B$&#%!!!!
11. Finally get to board second flight (after a cool 5 hours in the Atlanta airport)....only to sit on the runway for over 1/2 an hour. Land in Raleigh, NC at about 10:40pm. That is 3 hours and 40 minutes behind original scheduled arrival.
12. Get to Avis to pick up rental car...they don't have one ready for me. Even though I am almost 4 hours late.
13. Finally pull out of airport en route to hotel...it is raining cats and dogs, and there is heavy lightning. I contemplate pulling over about 5 times on the way. But decide against it because I sooooo want this day to end.
14. Finally check into hotel room. All is well here....except that the door latch is broken. (see below) I am super paranoid about people breaking in my hotel rooms. This will probably cause nightmares, which will cause me to get even less sleep tonight. I am too tired to try to switch rooms at this point. I shall put the desk chair against the door instead.

Silver lining to the day? Met a very cute guy while waiting for the rental car shuttle at RDU...talked the whole way to Avis....got some info...maybe going to try to meet up sometime soon, if schedules permit. I guess I can't call the WHOLE day bad then, huh?